The 1st Foundation Day of Longleng Old Age Home under the aegis of Good Samaritan Women Society (GSWS), Kohima, took place on 24th August 2023 at Industry Colony, Hamlikong village, Longleng District.
The programme was led by Neithonuo Liegise, Chairperson, GSWS and highlighted the activities of GSWS.
Good Samaritan Women Society opened Old Age Home as extension mission to Longleng District on 24th August 2022 to take care of the destitute elderly persons with a Vision to rescue very poor and childless Senior Citizens in the District to provide them quality health care and to support them to retire with dignity and encourage them to complete their life journey peacefully. Meanwhile, Good Samaritan Women Society is running Longleng Old Age Home Voluntarily without getting any Grant-in-Aid from neither State nor Central Government.